The medicine Beads assist the healing of the healer so that they may do more for humanity with greater clarity. It is believed that anxiety comes from knowing you have karma that you are not working off quickly enough. One function of the medicine beads is to assist with guilt the greatest disease and disease creator of all. Other functions of the Medicine Bead are to bring back the laughter and the lightness. Medicine Bead help to take care of some of the dreary mundane day to day requirements that healers are responsible for in their personal lives so that their thoughts may be with healing of humanity. If one seeks to use the power of the medicine Dzi bead merely to shirk their responsibilities it will backfire and cause havoc with the persons life. It will also garner severe karma. Before aligning oneself with the medicine Bead one should search their self and know where their ego is at. They should also be sure that their heart is open and flowing freely with life and love.
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