The Kuan Yin Dzi Bead is said to epitomize the essence of the Goddess Kuan Yin, also known as Chenrezig, the buddha of Compassion and Tibet’s most revered Buddha. This Dzi will quickly assist the wearer to get out from poverty situations and also potect him/her from all physical and mental harm. This dzi is suitable for everyone.
Kuan Yin (or Guan Yin, Kwan Yin)
“the patron deity of compassion”
It is unfortunate that Buddhism’s most enduring (and universal) contribution to the world has been insufficiently translated as compassion. The original Sanskrit word is ‘karuna,’ which holds within itself traces of the fragment ‘ru,’ meaning to weep. While the Oxford dictionary describes compassion as pity bordering on the merciful, karuna is actually our ability to relate to another in so intense a measure that the plight of the other affects us as much as if it had been our own.
It is frequently described as a love for all beings, equal in intensity to a mother’s affection for her child. However, it is quite unlike conventional love (Sanskrit: priya, kama or trishna), which is rooted in dualistic thinking and is egoistic, possessive and exclusive, in contrast to the all-encompassing nature of compassion. The root meaning of karuna is said to be the anguished cry of deep sorrow and understanding that can only come from an unblemished sense of oneness with others.
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