Guru Sengé Dradrok (Tib. གུ་རུ་སེང་གེ་སྒྲ་སྒྲོག་, Wyl. gu ru seng ge sgra sgrogs; Eng. ‘O Rugido do Leão’) — uma das oito manigestações de Guru Rinpoche.
Do livro “A Great Treasure of Blessings”, page 30:
Guru Rinpoche challenged and defeated five hundred upholders of wrong views in debate at Bodhgaya.
He reversed their magic with the aid of a wrathful mantra given him by the lion-faced dakini Marajita.
Guru Senge Dradrok subdues the irrational energies of black magic, curses & hexes, dispelling bad omens, weird vibes, nightmares, or anything that might be too far out there.
In Orissa, he destroyed a lingam with a bolt from his fingertips, ending animal sacrifices in the area.
He symbolizes the power to neutralize both visible and invisible beings and to avert natural disasters.
The wrathful display of Guru ‘Lion’s Roar’ is totally grounded in love and compassion for all sentient beings.
He is known as Sengé Dradok, ‘The Lion’s Roar’.