Guru Padmasambhava (Skt.; Tib. གུ་རུ་པདྨ་འབྱུང་གནས་, Wyl. gu ru pad+ma ‘byung gnas), uma das Oito Manifestações de Guru Rinpoche.
O nome Padmasambhava também é comunmente atribuido iconograficamente a todos os aspectos de Guru Rinpoche.
Nesta visualização, Guru Padmasambhava é descrito como um pandita usando robes monásticos, segurnado uma kapala em sua mão direita e executando o mudra vitarka en sua mão esquerda.
From the heart of Buddha Amitabha, light rays radiated into the bud of a lotus on Danakosha lake.
Upon its ripening, appeared an amazing child, adorned with the major and minor marks sitting atop a thousand petaled lotus
Glorious Guru Padmasambhava, please protect and guide me until I attain complete enlightenment.
Inseparable from the Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra, the all-pervading Lord of the three jewels of
Buddha, Dharma and Sangha,
and master of the three roots of
lama, yidam, and dakini,
the glorious Guru Padmasambhava should be definitively understood as being the essence of Buddha Amitabha.
In order to propagate and spread the teachings of the Dharma in general, and particularly the secret mantra and Dzogchen teachings, he appears to every being of the three thousand billion world systems in a form to benefit them according to their personal karmic vision.
In this way Guru Padmasambhava has countless unimaginable biographies, one biography for each being.
Although that is the definitive biography of Guru Padmasambhava, the historical figure Guru Padmasambhava’s life-story as known to the common disciples is as follows.
When the time for Guru Rinpoche to liberate the beings of this world approached, on the tenth day of the sixth month of the Monkey year, he appeared miraculously in the blossom of a lotus in the lake called “Ocean of Milk” in South West Odiyana, which is also known as Lake Danakosha located on the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier.