Secret Biography of Yeshe Tsogyal
Secret Symbolic Biography of the Queen of Dakinis, Yeshe Tsogyal
mkha’ ‘gro’i gtso mo ye shes mtsho rgyal gyi thun min nang gi brda don gsang ba’i rnam thar chen mo
- Secret Symbolic Biography of the Queen of Dakinis, Yeshe Tsogyal
Dharmakaya – Great Mother Prajnaparamita, Samantabhadri;
Sambhogakaya – Vajravarahi endowed with fivefold certainty;
Nirmanakaya – the twenty-one emanations of Noble Tara;
I pay homage to the magical emanation (of the three kayas) – Yeshe Tsogyal.”
Khenchen Palden Sherab
This secret biography of Yeshe Tsogyal is a terma teaching, narrated and concealed by Yeshe Tsogyal herself at the request of Nub Sangye Yeshe, one of the twenty-five close disciples of Padmasambhava. It was revealed by Terton Drime Kunga (dri med kun dga’), an emanation of Sangye Yeshe who appeared in Central Tibet in 14th century.
This extraordinary life-story is profound and symbolic, focusing on inner experiences and visions rather than conventional sequence of events.
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The Rosary of Jewels
The Rosary of Jewels
བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བདེར་གཤེགས་ཀུན་འདུས་ལས༔ ལྷ་སྲས་དང་རྗེ་འབངས་གྲོགས་རྣམས་ལ་ཞལ་གདམས་གནང་བ་སྒྲུབ་ཁོག་ཀ་ཐོ་རིན་ཆེན་ཕྲེང་བ་བཞུགས་སོ༔
bla ma’i thugs sgrub bder gshegs kun ‘dus las lha sras dang rje ‘bangs grogs rnams la zhal gdams gnang ba sgrub khog ka tho rin chen phreng ba
“The Rosary of Jewels: Oral Instructions to the Prince, Lord, Subjects, and Friend; the Catalogue and Framework of Practice (Texts)”
by Padmasambhava.
This text belongs to the class of oral instuctions (zhaldam) that Padmasambhava bestowed on Yeshe Tsogyal as well as his close disciples. It was revealed by Terchen Tsasum Lingpa in 1718 from the hermitage of Samye Chimpu in Central Tibet, as part of the terma cycle “Union of All Sugatas, the Heart Practice of the Guru”.
“Generation Stage is appearance-emptiness, free from ego-clinging.
Completion Stage is free from meeting, following or fabricating the thought.
The mantra of sound-emptiness is free from speculating on good or bad,
Generation Stage leads to the supreme and ordinary accomplishments.
Attaining confidence in the supreme (siddhi) is the degree of progress.
Accomplishment of compassion is devotion to the Guru.
Realization is perceiving all (Guru’s) actions as positive.
Single word, accomplishing all goals, is the Secret Mantra.
Single taste, unifying all essences, is the sustenance of samadhi.
Single radiance, luminous in all directions, is the great wisdom.
Single ornament, beautiful to all, is the wish-fulfilling gem.
Single seat, attained by all, is Dharmakaya.
Single friend, in harmony with all, is the innate nature.
Single child, loving to all, is the pure essence of the sense-organs.
Single wealth, enriching all, is the treasure of mind-essence.
Single castle, resisting all, is the Vajra Dome.
Single expanse, withstanding all, is the vajra treasure.
The only weapon, (that is) ever sharp, is the sword of wisdom.
The only army, overcoming all, is the host of the five poisons.
The only way to reverse it is the Great Perfection.”
Translated by Anna Orlova
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Prece para as 21 Taras
This gallery contains The Praise to the Twenty-One Taras in both Tibetan and English languages. Each stanza corresponds to the particular Tara emanation whose image is displayed alongside the praise. This beautiful artwork was created by Anna Zhuranskaya ( for The Smile of Sun and Moon.
- Noble Lady Tara Nyurma Pamo
- Homage, Tara, quick one, Heroine whose eyes flash like lightening, Born from the opening corolla of the lotus face Of the lord of the triple world.
- Noble Lady Tara Loter Yangchenma
- Homage, Mother whose face is filled With the light of an array of a hundred full autumn moons, Shining with the brilliant open light Of the hosts of a thousand stars.
- Noble Lady Tara Sonam Tobched
- Homage, Mother, golden one, Her hand adorned with a blue lotus, Whose field of practice is generosity, effort, Austerity, calm, acceptance, and meditation.
- Noble Lady Tara Tsugtor Namgyalma
- Homage, Crown of Tathagata, Her actions endlessly victorious, Venerated by the sons of the conqueror Who have attained every single perfection.
- Homage, Mother, filling all regions, sky and the realm of desire With the sounds of TUTTARA and HUM, Trampling the seven worlds with her feet, Able to summon all before her.
- Noble Lady Tara Jigjed Chenmo
- Homage, Mother, worshipped by Indra, Agni, Brahma, By Marut and different mighty ones. Honored by the hosts of spirits, of yakshas, Of gandharvas and the walking dead.
- Noble Lady Tara Zhen Migyalwa’i Pamo
- Homage, TURE, terrible lady, Who annihilates the warriors of Mara, Slaying all enemies with a frown Of wrath on her lotus face.
- Noble Lady Tara Sengdeng Nagchi Drolma
- Homage, Mother, her hand adorns her heart In a mudra that symbolizes the Three Jewels. Adorned with the universal wheel, She radiates turbulent light.
- Noble Lady Tara Jigten Sumle Gyalma
- Homage, Joyful Mother, whose brilliant diadem Spreads out garlands of light, Subjugating Mara and the world With mocking, laughing TUTTARA.
- Noble Lady Tara Tashi Donjed
- Homage, Mother, whose diadem Is a crescent moon, blazing with all her ornaments, Ever shining with the brilliant light Of Amitabha in her piled hair.
- Noble Lady Tara Norter Drolma
- Homage, Mother, able to summon before her All the hosts of protectors of the earth. Moving her frowning brows, she saves From all poverty by the sound of HUM.
- Homage, Mother, residing amidst the garland that blazes Like the fire at the end of the world era, Right leg extended, left bent, encompassed by joy, Annihilating hosts of enemies.
- Homage, Mother, residing amidst the garland that blazes Like the fire at the end of the world era, Right leg extended, left bent, encompassed by joy, Annihilating hosts of enemies.
- Noble Lady Tara Tronyerchen
- Homage, Mother, who hits the earth with the palm of her hand, Who pounds on it with her feet. Frowning wrathfully, she shatters The seven underworlds by the sound of HUM.
- Noble Lady Tara Rabzhima
- Homage, Mother, blissful, virtuous, calm, Whose field of activity is peaceful nirvana, Endowed with the true perfection of SVAHA and OM, Destroying great evils.
- Noble Lady Tara Rigngag Tobjom
- Homage, Mother, encompassed by joy, Who shatters the bodies of enemies, Saviouress manifesting from the rigpa of HUM, Arraying the sounds of the ten-syllable mantra.
- Homage, TURE, stamping her feet, Whose seed syllable appears in the form of HUM, Shaking Mount Meru, Mandara, Binduchal, And the triple world.
- Noble Lady Tara Maja Chenmo
- Homage, Mother, holding the rabbit-marked moon, Which is like a heavenly lake, Dispelling all poison with the sound of PHAT And the twice spoken TARA.
- Noble Lady Tara Dugkarmo
- Homage, Mother, served by the ruler of the hosts of gods, By gods and kimnaras, Dispelling conflicts and bad dreams With her armor of joy and splendor.
- Noble Lady Tara Ritod Loma Jonma
- Homage, Mother, whose two eyes Are the sun and full moon, shining with brilliant light, Who dispels deadly disease With TUTTARA and twice-spoken HARA.
- Noble Lady Tara Lhamo Odzer Chenma
- Homage, Mother, endowed with the power to pacify By the array of the three natural states, Destroying the hosts of evil spirits, yakshas and the walking dead, TURE, most excellent Mother.
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