Quatro Pensamentos que Transformam a Mente (Tib. བློ་ལྡོག་རྣམ་བཞི, lodok nam shyi, Wyl. blo ldog rnam bzhi)
- O nascimento humano precioso
- A impermanência e a morte
- Carma, a lei de causa e efeito
- O sofrimento nos ciclos da existência condicionada
Reciting the Four Contemplations which Turn the Mind
ན་མོ༔ བསླུ་མེད་གཏན་གྱི་མགོན་པོ་བླ་མ་མཁྱེན༔
namo, lumé ten gyi gönpo lama khyen
Homage! O lama, my unfailing and constant protector!
daljor di ni shintu nyepar ka
This free and endowed human birth is very difficult to obtain.
kyé tsé mitak chiwé chöchen yin
Everything that is born is by its nature impermanent and bound to die.
ge dik lé kyi gyundré luwamé
Beneficial and harmful actions bring their inevitable results.
kham sum khorwa dukngal gyatsö ngang
The three realms of saṃsāra are an ocean of suffering.
dren né dak lo chö la gyurwar shok
Recognizing this, may my mind turn towards the Dharma.