Jalandhara was a Brahmin from Turkhara City who was of great spirituality, and the more refined his consciousness became, the more disgusted he was for the life he saw around him. At last, he left everything behind and went to live in a cremation ground. There, he sat under a tree and began to meditate. Soon, he was absorbed into a blissful state in which he heard a dakini speaking to him from the skies. When she spoke to him, he was overjoyed and prayed to his dakini-guru until she manifested before him. She gave him the Hevajra initiation and empowerment, and instructions to gather all perceptions and place them in the subtle planes of body, speech and mind. She further instructed him to meditate upon the indivisibility of appearances and emptiness.
Jalandhara meditated for 7 years according to the instructions and at last he gained mahamudra-siddhi. Many years later, after working selflessly for untold beings, he was assumed bodily into the Paradise of the Dakinis with 300 disciples.
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