Bhandhepa was from the land of Sravasti, an icon-painter and his guru was master Krsnacari. One day, while he was abiding in the sky, he saw a holy arhat walking through the sky dressed as a monk, radiant and majestic. Bhandhepa was amazed at this sight, and when asked who the wondrous man was, Visvakarman told him the man is a holy arhat who has abandoned the defilements.
Bhandhepa, inspirted to be just like the arhat, returned to Jambudvipa to request the Dharma from Krsnacari, who initiated him in the Guhyasamaja and gave him instructions on the Four Immeasurables as methods of yogic protection.
After developing compassion, happiness, friendliness, and equanimity in meditation, he purified all the poisons of delusions and wrong views. He then obtained Mahamudra siddhi. For 400 years Bhandhepa worked for the welfare of living beings in the six great realms of Sravasti. Then went to the realm of the Dakas with 400 followers.
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