Khandipa was of the sweepers’ caste and a beggar in Ghandapura. He made his clothes by collecting scraps and patching them together. One day, he chanced a meeting with a yogin who asked how he cound live in such misery and poverty, and wouldn’t he rather practice the Dharma. However, the beggar never thought anyone would teach him the Dharma, at which the yogin gladly obliged and initiated the beggar into Cakrasamvara. The yogin gave him instructions on the Developing Stage, the Perfecting Stage, and their Total Integration.
The beggar tried to meditate by was constantly distracted by the thought of sewing clothes, so went to his guru, expressing his problem and the thought of giving up meditation. The yogin then gave instructions which would take these thoughts as path:
Existing things are in suchness;
There is no sewing or things to be sewn.
The gods and mantras are like that;
And the realization of this is the Dharmadhatu.
When the beggar meditated on that instruction, he lost all distractions and realized his initial instructions. In 12 years, he obtained the siddhi of Mahamudra and worked for the benefit of countless living beings until he went to the realm of the Dakas.
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