For many years, Tilopa performed priestly duties for the king of Visnunagar. Grateful for the sage’s effort, the king rewarded him 500 gold sovereigns a day. Despite the success of his work and the handsome offerings, he was very uneasy and distracted; thinking his life is meaningless and that he is yet to discover an essential teaching which cannot be found in luxurious surrounding, he wanted to leave to seek enlightenment by living as a yogin. However, whenever Tilopa attempted to resign, his disciples refused him permission to leave.
Finally, one night, he left in guise of a beggar’s torn clothes. By dawn, he arrived on a cremation ground where he lived quietly for some time, practicing his sadhanas and begging for food in town. One day, on the road he met Naropa, who became his faithful and devoted servant.
After years of practicing, the defilements that troubled Tilopa vanished and he attained mahamudra-siddhi. He acquired the siddhis of Body, Speech, and Mind, and became universally renowned. After setting innumerable beings on the path of enlightenment, he ascended to the Paradise of the Dakinis.
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