Courangi was a prince whose limbs had been cut off. He was given initiation and instructions on the vase-breathing technique by Acinta. His guru told him “When you obtain siddhi, your body will become as it was before you were harmed.” Courangi meditated as he was told.
12 years later, a group of royal merchants carrying many precious things, travelled through the area Courangi was residing. The area was well known for robberies, so the merchants were extremely careful. At night fall, Courangi heard the sounds of the merchants’ footsteps and called out “Who is it?” The merchants, afraid that Courangi could be a robber replied, “We are coal dealers.” The prince then replied, “So be it.”
When the merchants arrived to their destination, to their surprise, all their precious items has turned to coal. They tried to think how such a thing could happen. Finally, they recalled on their meeting with Courangi and decided to return to the woods where Courangi resides. There, they met the limbless prince and told their story to him, requesting him to remove his words of truth. The prince said he had not intended for their items to turn to coal, and may whatever precious things there were return to as it was before.
The merchants returned home and saw that all their precious things have returned as before. They returned to the prince with gifts and told him what has occurred. The prince then told them the words of his guru, Acinta, and then said, “Let my body resume its former state.” With that, the prince became whole again.
The prince attained all the power of siddhi and performed miraculous things. But his doctrines were too important to give to men, so he gave them instead to the tree he meditated under for the past 12 years. The tree became immortal, and it still exists.
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