Prato de Mandala
Prato de Oferenda de Mandala
Partes da mandala de oferenda:
- A base do mandala;
- O primeiro aro, para a mandala do nirmanakaya, é o universo dos primeiros mil mundos;
- O segundo aro, para o mandala sambhogakaya, é o universo dos segundos mil mundos;
- O terceiro aro, para a mandala do dharmakaya, é o grande universo dos terceiros mil mundos;
- A ponta.
Nirmanakaya Mandala Offering
One billion universes—a hundred times ten million worlds,
Filled with all the wealth of gods and human beings, like the “seven precious gems”,
My bodies, my possessions, and my sources of merit, all together, I offer them in their entirety, so that
I may be born as a nirmanakaya and turn the wheel of Dharma, liberating all beings!
Sambhogakaya Mandala Offering
The highest heaven of great bliss, the realm of “Tukpo Köpa”,
Perfect with the five certainties and the mandala of the five buddha families, and
Inconceivably vast clouds of offerings of every variety of sensual and emotional stimulants—
With this offering, may we enjoy the perfection of the sambhogakaya fields!
Dharmakaya Mandala Offering
Where all appearance and existence are completely pure from the very beginning—the youthful vase body,
Ornamented by the play of dharmata, unceasing compassion,
The realm where all clinging to the perception of kayas and tiklés is naturally liberated—
With this wisdom offering, may we enjoy the freedom of the dharmakaya reality!
Seres Senciêntes

A palavra senciência é muitas vezes confundida com sapiência, que pode significar conhecimento, consciência ou percepção.